What can be more fun than to be able to play with kids all the time? I count it a great privilege to have been called to be the Children’s Pastor at Central Valley. God’s love for children is evident throughout scripture, and all of us have a huge responsibility to train up our children in the way they should go, so that when they are old they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)

I grew up in Columbus, Ohio. I realized my need for salvation at an early age and accepted Christ as my personal Savior. I felt God’s calling to be a missionary while at a youth conference in Estes Park, Colorado. After seeking further direction from God, my parents and youth pastor, I attended Moody Bible Institute to be trained as a Missionary Pilot/Mechanic. While at MBI, I met my beautiful wife, Lori Darling. Lori grew up in Decatur, Illinois and has a similar story in that she also accepted Christ at an early age and felt led to be a missionary. We were married in 1989 and then moved to Elizabethton, Tennessee to finish my training at Moody Aviation. After graduation we joined Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and served in Suriname, South America.

God has blessed us with 3 great children. Seth was born just before we joined MAF. God placed within Seth the wonderful but challenging gift of Autism. In 1997 we returned to the States for the birth of our precious daughter, Sara. Once back, it became evident that we would not be able to return to Suriname so that we could help Seth grow into all that God had planned for him. We moved to Redlands, California to begin working at MAF’s headquarters. In 2001, just 4 days after 9-11 occurred, energetic Simon was born. Our three children are definitely gifts from God, and we love that they each in their own time have trusted in Christ for salvation from their sins.

In 2006, MAF moved their headquarters from California to Nampa, Idaho. Soon after moving here, we started attending Central Valley. One of the first things that drew our family to the church was AWANA and the good children and youth ministries. Over the years, Lori and I became more involved at Central Valley by teaching adult Sunday School, Children’s Church and Awana. We both have always had a passion for children’s ministries. Then our family was once again challenged by a new calling upon our lives. In January, 2011 we left MAF after 17 years of service with that great organization and accepted God’s direction and the calling of Central Valley to become the Children’s Pastor. I am excited to be a part of a caring, growing church family. My hope is to see the children of Central Valley come to a saving knowledge of God early in life, make a decision to follow Him and be baptized, grow continually in maturity, and serve Him the rest of the days of their lives. It is all about CONNECT, GROW, SERVE & MULTIPLY.

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